

Afforestation:            Afforestation is the establishment of a forest or stand of trees in an area where there was no previous tree cover and also afforestation is the planting or adding of trees in an area where there was never a forest or plantation . this is a method to create a new forest. Afforestation in turn increases the population of species and animals which exhibit selective feeding habits. Forest should be restored as they maintained stable food chains and food webs. plants and plant products must be maintained judiciously. Wild life sanctuaries , national parks should be developed. Steps to main Greenery: More plants should be planted in villages to maintain greenery. Plants should be planted on either side of the road in urban areas in order to reduce pollution. Plants should be grown to maintain normal climatic conditions of that area. Development of parks in every area should be encouraged. Deforestation should be protested. Laws should be formulated against deforest


  BIODIVERSITY:  Biodiversity means " Variability among living organisms".    Bio diversity is the variety and variability of genus , species and ecosystem between and within. It is the number of different organisms & their relative frequency in an ecosystem. The term biodiversity is coined by Walter rosen,1985. About 50 million of plants , animals and microbes are existing in the world. A mong this only 2 million are identified so far Biodiversity also includes: Variability of species , variability of genus , variability of varieties , variability of population in different ecosystem , variability in relative abundance of species. Knowledge of biodiversity is essential for sustainable utilization of resources. Biological resource provide us: Nourishment , clothing , house , fuel , medicine and revenue.  LEVELS OF BIODIVERSITY :                 Biodiversity is the most precious gift of nature the mankind is blessed with. The uniqueness of our planet earth is due to the pr

Conservation of water 💦 resources

WATER:  Water is a vital renewable nature resources. Three-fourths of the earth's surface is covered with water. Hence, it is called as water planet . Ocean water is saline and not fit for human consumption. Fresh water accounts for only 2.7% of the total water available. Only 1% of this freshwater is available for human use. Fresh water is the most precious substance on earth. It can neither be added nor subtracted from the Earth . Cause of water shortage:    The major cause of water shortage are increased population, resign demands for food and cash crops, increasing urbanization and rising standards of living.  Countries located in climatic zones are most susceptible to droughts and face great problem of water scarcity.  Global warming and high pace of industrialization also leads to raise the concern against clean water availability. Uses of water 💦:        Water  is used for agriculture, industries, household works, drinking purposes, generating electricity through reservoirs

Natural Resources

      Natural resources can be defined as the resources that exist on the planet independent of human actions.These are the resources that are found in the environment and are developed without the intervention of humans.           Based on the availability there are two types of natural resources . They are                 • Renewable resources                 • Non- renewable resources  Renewable R esources:                These are the resources that are naturally occurring, for example: sunlight🌞, water💦,soil . These are renewed easily by nature. These resources have been in nature and cannot be produced by man. Non-renewable resources:                These are the resources on earth 🌎 occur freely in nature but are in limited quantity. It will be depleted over time . Non- renewable energy includes fossils fuels such as coal and petroleum. 

Environment 🌱

  Environment is everything that is present around us. It can be living or non-living things. It includes physical, chemical and other natural force.                         Basically,  environment plays an important role in healthy living and the existence of life on plant earth 🌍. Earth is the home for different living species and we all are dependent on the environment for food , air, water and other needs that it is important for every individual to save and protect an environment.    Environment awareness:          It involves the gradual understanding of environmental issues and the recognition of the connection among human actions development, sustainability and human responsibility in these process. Environment is essential to demonstrate how humans can protect and preserve there natural resources. Educating the population  can reduce the use of plastics and water 💦 waste while promoting recycling to reduce landfill waste.  Benefits:     The natural environment give us a weal