

  • Biodiversity means "Variability among living organisms".  

  • Biodiversity is the variety and variability of genus , species and ecosystem between and within.
  • It is the number of different organisms & their relative frequency in an ecosystem.
  • The term biodiversity is coined by Walter rosen,1985.
  • About 50 million of plants , animals and microbes are existing in the world.
  • Among this only 2 million are identified so far
  • Biodiversity also includes: Variability of species , variability of genus , variability of varieties , variability of population in different ecosystem , variability in relative abundance of species.
  • Knowledge of biodiversity is essential for sustainable utilization of resources.
  • Biological resource provide us: Nourishment , clothing , house , fuel , medicine and revenue.

                Biodiversity is the most precious gift of nature the mankind is blessed with. The uniqueness of our planet earth is due to the presence of life manifested through the diversity in flora and fauna . as all the organisms in an ecosystem are interlinked and interdependent , the value of biodiversity in the life of all the organisms including humans in enormous . besides its ecological and environmental value , biodiversity has significant socio-economic values as well.

Biodiversity , it can be classified into following 3 types:


                   Genetic biodiversity refers to the variation of genus within the species of plants and animals and in fact , the diversity among the genus leads to differentiation of species and which in turn determines the levels of biodiversity . Genetic variation within species  , both among individuals within single population and among geographically separated population .   


                     Species diversity refers to the variety of species in terms of plants , animals and microorganisms of a particular ecosystem and species richness and mostly used to gauge the species diversity . species diversity is used as a synonym to the biodiversity and the size of the  species diversity is instrumental in making food chain longer/shorter.


                  As in ecosystem , there are a variety of habitats and niches for the biological processes and operations , thus the biodiversity is also considered at the ecosystem level . example of ecosystem based on the habitat are grassland , coral , desert , mangrove , wetland , tropical rain forest etc..


  • Biodiversity indicates variation of life forms.
  • Biodiversity indicates the health of ecosystem.
  • Biodiversity is in part a functioning of climate.
  • Biodiversity provides services like: Air quality and purity , climate and seasons , water purification , pollution and seed dispersal, prevention of erosion.
  • In agriculture biodiversity assist in recovery of major cultivar when it is under server attack of diseases or pests.
  • Biodiversity also supports in drug recovery for modern diseases.
  • According to WHO , 80% of world population depends on medicines from nature.
  • Biodiversity provide security of resources such as water , timber , paper , fiber and food.
  • Biodiversity also inspires musicians , painters and writers.
  • Biodiversity supports many ecosystem services that are not readily visible.
  • Biodiversity helps in water purification , recycling nutrients and providing fertile soil.



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