Conservation of water πŸ’¦ resources


  •  Water is a vital renewable nature resources. Three-fourths of the earth's surface is covered with water. Hence, it is called as water planet.

  • Ocean water is saline and not fit for human consumption.
  • Fresh water accounts for only 2.7% of the total water available.
  • Only 1% of this freshwater is available for human use.
  • Fresh water is the most precious substance on earth. It can neither be added nor subtracted from the Earth .

Cause of water shortage: 

  •  The major cause of water shortage are increased population, resign demands for food and cash crops, increasing urbanization and rising standards of living.
  •  Countries located in climatic zones are most susceptible to droughts and face great problem of water scarcity. 
  • Global warming and high pace of industrialization also leads to raise the concern against clean water availability.

Uses of water πŸ’¦:

       Water  is used for agriculture, industries, household works, drinking purposes, generating electricity through reservoirs or dams even for growth of plants etc...

Conservation of water resources:

  • Steps should be taken to conserve water.
  • Water is renewable resource, but it overuse and pollution make it unfit for use.
  • Sewage, agricultural chemical and industrial waste pollute water with nitrates, metals and pesticides.
  • Forest and other vegetarian cover slow the surface runoff and replenish underground water.
  • Canals used for irrigation should be properly checked for water losses through seepage and evaporation.
  • Rain water harvesting is the process of collecting rain water .
  • Recycling plants should be installed to conserve water and to stop wastage.
  • Better irrigation facilities should be developed to conserve water. 


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