
           Afforestation is the establishment of a forest or stand of trees in an area where there was no previous tree cover and also afforestation is the planting or adding of trees in an area where there was never a forest or plantation . this is a method to create a new forest.

  • Afforestation in turn increases the population of species and animals which exhibit selective feeding habits.
  • Forest should be restored as they maintained stable food chains and food webs.
  • plants and plant products must be maintained judiciously.
  • Wild life sanctuaries , national parks should be developed.
Steps to main Greenery:
  • More plants should be planted in villages to maintain greenery.
  • Plants should be planted on either side of the road in urban areas in order to reduce pollution.
  • Plants should be grown to maintain normal climatic conditions of that area.
  • Development of parks in every area should be encouraged.
  • Deforestation should be protested.
  • Laws should be formulated against deforestation.

  1. Forest Rebuilding:    when we cut down trees of a forest , we cause way too much damage to everything it comprises of . This cutting down happens for various reasons. we need wood , build homes and also for agricultural practices .All this results in loss of habitat , changes in climate as well as the loss of biological diversity.
  2. Creating new Forest:     when we practice afforestation in areas that had no forests , it gives us benefits of its own .Moreover ,this conversion of semiarid lands into forests makes them more sustainable and prevents soil erosion too.
  3. Flood control:    One of the greatest benefits of afforestation in definitely flood control . Through this method , we can enhance the water filtration. In addition, we can also control floods by planting more trees. Moreover, excessive sediment transport can be prevented too.
                           In other words, forests reduce the impact of flooding. It is able 
       to do so because it delays and reduces the size of the floods. Furthermore, it 
        scatters the water in a steadier way.
       While there are many advantages of afforestation , we also have various disadvantages
  • Moreover, it will also modify certain biomes. Additionally, when we will introduce non-native and invasive species it can damage biodiversity. It also reduces the streamflow and various people lose their income from agriculture.
  • Similarly, the native grasslands which we convert to forests might not have a similar habitat for local species. Thus, it will result in a lack of plant diversity which will, in turn, decrease the number of accessible habitat types for forest dwellers.



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